Coaching for sustainability

 -bust the burn-out culture and create greater impact

Social Enterprise Day Nov 21, 2024

Pitstop for Hjerner 


Torsdag 21.nov kl. 20.00-20.30
online (på Zoom)
Forebyg mentale spinouts
lær effektiv hjerne-opladning

Tilmelding: [email protected]
zoom-link sendes 1 time før opstart.

Und dig selv denne halve time til at lade dig og din hjerne op.

Indarbejd effektiv hjerneopladning i din hverdag for;
Øget evne til at opfange, stoppe og undgå stressreaktioner,
styrket ro og fokus og bedre præstation,
større velvære og bedre relationer.

Fordi din success afhænger af dig 


Impact leaders dedicating their lives to solving social and environmental problems do so at the risk of burning out in the process. Too many have experienced burn-out or symptoms of that, to the detriment of their health, wellness, family life and their business success. 


Mental fitness is a skill that can be learned. Incorporating daily habits to become mentally resilient is crucial to their long-term health and wellness, productivity and performance as well as their ability to develop healthy strong relationships. Thus, mental fitness is crucial to their overall success.
Mental fitness should be part of the curriculum of any start-up package for impact entrepreneurs alongside learning about legal issues, book-keeping, marketing etc. 

Heartcore Impact works towards ensuring all impact entrepreneurs integrate the simple yet powerful fundamental habits of mental fitness so they can develop inner sustainability and in doing so enable them to keep their fire going and create even greater impact.

What People Say 

feeling strong and fierceful

"My session with Anne-Mette was completely transformational for me and I am still re-visiting the part of the visualization that she guided me through every time I am about to go in front of my audiences when giving workshops.   I visualize the melting of  the orange fireball inside my throat and stomach and it makes me feel strong and fierceful everytime; ready for a laser focus action.

Thank you Anne-Mette - you are an awesome coach!"         

    -Kristín Jónsdóttir Sedney, Natka Health and Wellness,  Nov. 2021, Iceland

When leaning into my Sage

"Thank you so so much for your time, coaching and compassion this morning Anne-Mette!  You are such a patient and calming coach who had such good questions and was really able to help me push aside my stinky Stickler and Hyper-Achiever. You held space for me and gave me some new ideas. I even heard back from a therapist I reached out to who wants to chat today about PQ and how it helped me over my body image hump. She said she’s been looking for a coach to potentially partner with!  I firmly believe that is because my Sage is at play thanks to you 🥰"

-Teresa Schmitz, Founder and Coach at My Best Self Yet, LLC. April 2021

Å ta styring i eget liv

"Jeg stilte store krav til meg selv i hverdagen; som mamma, bestemor, husmor og ikke minst i min jobb som styrer i en barnehage med ansvar for mange barn og personal.  Jeg hadde ikke reflektert så mye over kravene jeg stilte til meg selv, da jeg gjerne ville gjøre en god jobb på alle områdene. Slik måtte det være, tenkte jeg.  Jeg måtte bare stå på og yte.  Jeg gikk på autopilot, og kjente ikke etter hvilke behov jeg hadde.  Det var litt med en tilfeldighet jeg hadde min første time coaching med Anne-Mette.  Jeg tenkte at jeg ikke hadde spesielle problemer eller utfordringer jeg trengte hjelp til. Men takket ja da jeg fikk tilbudet om en time.  I løpet av den samtalen ble jeg mer klar over utfordringene jeg hadde. I løpet av samtalen med Anne-Mette innså jeg at den følelsen av utilstrekkelighet som jeg kjente, ikke gjorde meg til bedre mor, bestemor eller sjef. Det var snarere tvert om. Det nyttet ikke presse meg selv hardere for å prestere mer.   Det ble etter hvert flere samtaler, over en 4 mnd. periode.

Anne-Mette stilte de gode spørsmålene som fikk meg til å reflektere.  Hun har mange gode innfallsvinkler, og jeg fikk små oppgaver jeg skulle gjøre mellom hver gang.

Det var en spennende prosess, og jeg er på god vei til å ta mer styring i eget liv slik at jeg kan ivareta meg selv, og samtidig gjøre en god innsats på mine ulike områder.

Jeg kan varmt anbefale coaching med Anne-Mette.  Jeg tenker «alle» kan ha nytte av å stoppe litt opp i hverdagen og få kompetent hjelp til å justere kursen".                                R.F., 2021, Norge.

Unngikk sykemelding

Da jeg var gått tom i arbeidslivet og på tur ned i "grøfta" fikk jeg god hjelp gjennom coaching. Ved hjelp av øvelser/metoder i session og veiledning på hvordan jeg kan utføre dem på egenhånd, resulterte det i at jeg unngikk sykemelding og kom meg "opp" igjen. Etter å ha vært skeptisk til coaching, kan jeg etter å prøvd anbefale coaching til alle.                            H.S., Norge 2017

Fra svært til let og konkret handling

Da jeg ikke kendte Anne-Mette inden jeg fik min coaching session var jeg spændt på hvordan det ville være. Jeg blev glædeligt overrasket da jeg oplevede at Anne-Mette var meget indlevende og håndterede mine profesionelle og personlige udfordringer med et åbent, venligt og positivt perspektiv. 

Jeg var imponeret over måden hvorpå det der var svært for mig blev gjort let og konkret, med den positive vinkel i fokus, så det blev muligt at komme frem til konkrete handlemuligheder og øvebaner fremfor ren snak.

Jeg vil og kan anbefale Anne-Mette som coach, da hun får ændringer til at virke lette.

  M. B., Feb '21, Denmark.

Feeling stronger and happier

“I loved each and every session I had with Anne-Mette Sylvest! She is a very competent, skillful and very attentive coach, very supportive. She knows a lot and is very creative in the way she applies her knowledge, strategies and technics. You feel safe with her and understood, and it is easy to open up and tell Anne-Mette about your thoughts and feelings. She has really high standards, and she is congruent in living her values, that was really important for me.. I had great insights which really helped me feel stronger and happier and move forward towards my goal”.

Irina Udaltsova,, Russia 2015

Finding your inner power

"I am always surprised how quick and easy Anne-Mette gets me into a trance state and how she is able to guide me from any place in my life, where I might feel stuck, to a place of freedom, confidence and certainty. After each session I feel like I can take on the world. She has a very skillful way of guiding me through a process of tapping into my own inner power and inner resources and she does so very graciously. Her straight forward approach allows me to get to the very core of myself very quickly, cutting out all the bullshit. I enjoy how her guidance stimulates my 'dream world' and through visualization exploring the deepest treasures in myself. Working with Anne-Mette feels very safe, which makes it easy for me to surrender to the proces and the guidance she is giving in each session. Thank you Anne-Mette for guiding me over and over again to a place where I feel powerful again!"

 -Ivanildo, Strategic Intervention Coach at Falkenstein Coaching, Oct '21​


Før hadde jeg ingen kontroll på når migrenen kom. Før stresset jeg mye når jeg kjente migrenen var på vei, når jeg stresset ble migrenen mye verre. Det ble sånn vond sirkel. Jeg stresser så mye at jeg får migrene.

Nå har jeg mulighet til å ta kontroll, klarer å skjerpe meg selv, sir til meg selv det hjelper ikke å stresse. Jeg kan bruke teknikker for å forebygge migrene, roe meg ned…

Jeg merker forskjell. Det ER bedre. Flere faktorer som påvirker det. Stor fordel at jeg klarer ha mere kontrol på det.

På den måten hjalp det meg veldig mye, skifte tankene, klarer å gjøre slik migrenen blir litt mildere, klarer å kontrollere stressnivå.

Hvis jeg har migrene nå, og føler meg så dårlig at jeg ikke klarer gå på jobb , så varer det ikke så lenge nå, vanligvis 1-2 dager… Ofte er anfallene mildere også.

 -A.C-S., Norge, Februar 2021.

Managing difficult situations

"A lot has happened lately, a death in the family and mum's been hospitalized. Thanks to the conversations with you, I'm doing well."

        -A.S.H. Norway, March 2021.

Presentation performance

"Anne- Mette coachet meg i forbindelse med en viktig presentasjon jeg skulle holde. Intensjonen var å redusere prestasjonsangst.  Coachingen og verktøyene som Anne Mette ga meg hjalp meg til å være fokusert og rolig under presentasjonen. Anne-Mette er en meget dyktig coach som jeg kan anbefale på det sterkeste.» 

   -Helga Zwarg O`Donoghue, April 2016

Nye perspektiver

"Jeg oplevede en reel interesse i mig som person hos Anne-Mette. Det gav en troværdighed og tryghed i at kunne tale åbent og ærligt om de svære ting i mit arbejdsliv. Hun gav mig flere nye perspektiver, og der var tid til at drøfte tingene. Hendes øvelser var meget virkningsfulde. Her fik jeg virkelig mærket ind i mine egne ressourcer. Jeg kan klart anbefale Anne-Mette som coach for hendes nærvær og skønne guidning." 

 Soroush Zand, lærer og selvstændig, 2022

Getting to the heart of matters

”Anne-Mette has an uncanny knack to get to the heart of matters and provides practical, usable coaching that makes a difference right away. I appreciate her unique blend of warmth and candour and recommend her for anyone who wants to "level up" in their life.”
                            Kevin from Canada, 2015

Removing emotional anchors

”I made the choice to work on myself and update my skills and knowledge with an NLP training program. Anne-Mette was my mentor throughout the course. Her calming energy and her smile made me feel instantly at easy.

On my learning experience, I came across some childhood blocks and emotional anchors which kept triggering massive emotional reactions. Anne-Mette helped me remove the anchors from that part of my past, now I'm free and sailing into the sunset....”.                                                      -R.M. UK, Sept 2015    

Getting Clarity, Motivated and Organized

"My biggest challenge was to find peace and harmony. I was struggling between finding a secure paid job and settling my self-employed business and I didn’t know that before, but I was frozen between both situations and finally I wasn’t moving forward.

Many things came out of the session, rather than choosing one path or another, I took in consideration my entire career. It helped me to clarify the job I want to do.

I particularly liked to talk about many topics. Before the session I thought we were going to talk about only jobs, careers, but I was glad to be able to open myself and talk about my aspirations, my desires, my limitations… I was able to make connections between who I am and what I want my career to be. I was also running out from sensitives subjects about my careers, when I had a professional burn out, but Anne-Mette cleverly and delicately managed to de-crystallize the subject to move forward.

The impact of the session was a clarification which take me out of being stuck, and also motivation and organization.

I absolutely recommend Anne-Mette. I thought in the beginning I was going to have some instructions, I did not expect such a rich session and also didn’t know that I needed a session to move forward. I had a very good experience, which save overthinking time about my life." 

Maimouna, Edinburgh,, april 2021 

Book a free 60min consultation

Coaching is not for everyone.  If you're willing and committed to doing the work, I'll hold the space and facilitate the process, you implement the actions and harvest the results. 
Book a free session to clarify stressors and what can be done about them and leave with an experience of renewed energy and empowerment and clear sense of your next action steps towards a more mentally resilient you, so you can keep your fire burning while creating an even greater impact in the world.

Building Your Foundation

An intensive 8-week program, based on Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine, supporting your development of a mental fitness habit into your daily routine, where you learn

-key principles of mental fitness and brain training

- daily practise that strenghens your neural pathways for a positive mindset

-improved emotional selfawareness and ability to detect that of other people

-ability to switch from survival brain action to resourcefull based action

-ability to quicker and more effectively snap out of stress-patterns and into calm, clear-headed, lazer-focused action.

Nurture your growth

Monthly group-based continued support helping you implement your new learnings in a key area of your choice. 
-Strengthen your consistency in daily practice and implementation of the key principles to further automatize your habit. 
-Opportunity for hot seat coaching in the group
-Learn from other members' experiences 
-benefit from the support of the group
-Ensure you take action as you're held accountable by the group

1:1 Coaching

When you want the power of 1:1 focus on your key issues at hand. 
-gain clarity over what you want and what drives you, and gain renewed sense of purpose and passion
-tailored strategies to your unique situation and challenge
- deep dive into the blocks which hold you back or drive your unwanted actions 

-a personal accountability partner
-guided focus, so you can concentrate on progressing
-enjoy the space of unpartial, non-judgemental, curious, empathic, undivided attention holding you true to your highest  positive intentions.